Pizzeria at 36 St. Mark’s tells 2 Bros customers to F— Off

I’ve never eaten at either spot, but can you imagine the drama that had to happen before the Pizzeria at 36 St Mark’s put up that sign? It must have been something to see.

Also, it’s just good manners to not sit down at a restaurant and eat food from a different restaurant there.

By the way, Udon West is open again, but under another name: Udon St. Mark’s. The place looks exactly the same inside and has the same menu as before as far as I remember. Maybe it’s a little cleaner, but it’s the same ambience. I kind of wonder if they didn’t have a fire and just needed time to renovate.

In any case, I’m glad they’re not temporarily closed for renovations forever like Two Little Red Hens on 2nd Ave and 86th St.